Saturday, June 6, 2009

Benner's Farm Strawberry Festival

Horse is not too interested in the throngs of children watching it, but did pose as a nice background object.

Strawberry Shortcake!! Emerson did share some with his parents.

A good carrier for long periods, but still a little big for him.

Maybe a little young to appreciate the animals, even though we read him James Herriot a lot.

Walking the picturesque East Setauket farm paths.


  1. Lookin' good Emerson! In the future though, you would be advised to not to share your strawberry shortcake. It is much too good - tell mom and dad to get their own! ;o)

  2. Hey Emerson - What have you been up to lately? Read any good books? Seen any good movies? How 'bout them Yankees?? Your aunt is going through withdrawls from Emerson cuteness!
