Sunday, March 22, 2009

The authentic sling - still needs some practice on the parent side.

I know, why do they keep taking pictures of us?

My already little patience with this crib
is being tried.

I love my Grandpie and Grancie!


  1. Yay! Grancie & her little grananciebaby!
    Hope you're having fun. The dogs & everyone are doing well!

  2. LOVE the pictures!!! He is such a cutie!! Looks like Grancie is hooked!

  3. Happy to see the sling in use! He looks very comfy in there! It definitely took us a while to figure it out, too. My best advice is to keep trying it (of course when parent and baby are well-rested and feeling calm...)

  4. Oh my goodness, I haven't seen any of you in years. My mom and Sarah told me about the baby and connected me to your blog. Congratulations! You all look the same!
